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SirGunky's avatar

In terms of skill, I usually think I'm pretty good. Not great, certainly, and not yet where I want to be, but good enough that I feel encouraged to continue when I look at my finished pieces.

Then I look around at some of the stuff here. And it makes me realize how far I still need to go until I am where I want to be. Some of you guys... holy hell. Phenomenal. You've hit that part of the curve I'm still aiming for, and you make it look way, way easier than it is. Seriously, take a browse through my Favourites folder. Mind = blown.

But I'm not completely discouraged. I've only been painting seriously since July 2012. Experiments seem to be paying off. Incremental improvements can be seen. Mastery doesn't come right away, it comes from failing differently time after time. Eventually, if you learn from each failure, you find that one thing that works exactly the way you wanted it to.
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